Gabriella Buba

What book are you recommending right now?

KM Enright's Mistress of Lies a fellow filipino fantasy debut this year's Mistress of Lies has rewired my brain and I was so honored to blurb it.

If your story beast had a form, what would it be?

The beast who always appears in my stories is the Filipino sea serpent, it's called the Bakunawa or Laho. It is a vast horned sea dragon, with scales like kalasak shields, curved razor teeth like batangas swords, trailing fins lined in copper fire. The Laho stirs storms, causes earthquakes, and ever hungers to swallow the moon.

If you could meet one story character, who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Lunurin, I think we'd have a lot to talk about.

Let's talk favorites! Tell us your...favourite book:

The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by KS Villoso.

...favourite author:

My favorite author is Tamora Pierce.

...favourite trope:

Marriage of Convenience/Fake relationship

...favourite snack right now:

Shrimp chips! I like mine with a chili powder shaken over them dipped in vinegar

Where can our listeners find you?
@Gabriellabuba (twitter, instagram)
@gabriella.buba.books (tiktok)
Gabriella Buba, Author (facebook)