Eva Des Lauriers
What book are you recommending right now?
You With a View by Jessica Joyce (excellent Adult romance).
If your story beast had a form, what would it be?
The image that immediately came to mind is a Phoenix. Big and golden. I regenerate and unfold with every story. By putting a little part of me in every book I write, it feels at once like I'm healing and letting go of that part of me.
If you could meet one story character, who would it be and why?
Noah from I'll Give You The Sun because I want to know how he's doing. I've never been more invested in a character than I am with him.
Let's talk favorites! Tell us your...favourite book:
I'll Give You The Sun & Persuasion
...favourite author:
Jandy Nelson & Jane Austen
...favourite trope:
...favourite snack right now:
Dark chocolate almonds with sea salt & salt & vinegar chips
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TikTok: @evadeslaurbooks
IG: @evadeslaurbooks
Website: evadeslauriers.com