Emily Varga

What book are you recommending right now?

Craft in the Real World for craft book. I finished the Sleepless by Victor Manibo (Adult sci fi) and I LOVED it! If you are looking for fun romance with some bite to it I always recommend Kaitlyn Hill's Love From Scratch. If you are looking for myth retelling I love Vaishnavi Patel's Kaikeyi. and for YA Sci Fi definitely check out Kate Dylan's Mindwalker.

If your story beast had a form, what would it be?

I think my story beast would be a smooth black bird. That sounds very simple and boring. But when I write a story everything seems a mess. Slowly and slowly, the pieces start clicking together until everything is solid and smooth and I feel it in my gut it is ready. I'm thinking a huge raven with unruffled feathers, smelling like wind and rain and the forest. You know how raven's look at you and they just know shit? Yeah, I think mine knows shit. It's definitely smarter than me!

If you could meet one story character, who would it be and why?

Rhys from ACOTAR for obvious reasons!

Let's talk favorites! Tell us your...favourite book:

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

...favourite author:

This one is hard, I would have to say Zora Neale Hurston, but I also love Vaishnavi Patel, Tanvi Berwah and Victor Manibo, NK Jemisen and Adrienne Young.

...favourite trope:

Enemies to lovers always!

...favourite snack right now:

Fruit! Watermelon and apples.

Where can our listeners find you?

TikTok: @emilyvargabooks

IG: @emilyvargabooks

Website: emilyvargabooks.com