Daniel Habib

What book are you recommending right now?

Blood Meridian by Cormac Mcarthy.

If your story beast had a form, what would it be?

The beast is me and I am HE. With every passing year, a piece of me rots and falls off. From the fresh stomp, an inhuman, part grows anew. An appendage made from dead stories that fill the darkness between the stars. As humanity wanes, the story beast grows.

If you could meet one story character, who would it be and why?

Roland Deschain from "The Dark Tower." I want him to teach me to be a gunslinger.

Let's talk favorites! Tell us your...favourite book:

The Dark Tower Series (Stephen King)

...favourite author:

Stephen King

...favourite trope:

Villain Redemption

...favourite snack right now:

Chocolate Wafers

Where can our listeners find you?

IG: @dchabib

Website: danielhabib.me